When the knight Heinrich Ledebur began 1415 to build east the fire brook on
the possession of the Herforder of lady monastery a water castle suspected
naturally nobody, which would accommodate this simple, plain plant once a
biology center.
How did it come to this development?
After it succeeded the Herforder Aebtissin 1419 to move Heinrich Ledebur to
leaves to the castle this was the prelude for constant coming and going of the
inhabitants of the property Bustedt
The old castle, from which Aebtissin became torn off and in the years after
again developed, the pledge object, which remained connected up to few decades
always with the office of the Drosten, the highest-ranking official of the
county Ravensberg.
History Bustedt had a wesendlichen cut after the dreissigjaehrigen war. At that
time the ride master wolf Ernst von Eller had betrayed the city Herford to
Sweden. Over it the Ravensberger was in such a way pleased that they gave him
property Bustedt as property. A turn in the use of the property was introduced
1964, when the property was sold to the
today's municipality Hiddenhausen.
An association, which converted the property to a biology center - the today's
association "biology center Bustedt OWL e.V.", was sixteen years later.
Today Hiddenhausen is again manufactured as an
owner, the district savings
bank Herford, the country North Rhine-Westphalia, many single donations as well
as the employment administration circling and the association biology center
property Bustedt with exception of the eastern fore-castle by the assistance of
the municipality.
Classrooms for up to four to five groups, two conference rooms, in which the few
works of art are collected, a laboratory, several office and collecting areas,
kitchen, Essraeume and one accommodation for sixty persons stand today zr for
To the buildings approx. thirteen hectares of surface belong. For the special
tasks of the biology center are here several waters, Waeldchen, hedges, damp
meadow and pastures. Additionally may in fifty hectares a large protected area,
which "Bustedter meadows" are used, different ranges. Further surfaces
(at present three hectares) were to it-leased for agricultural use.
Eighteen teilabgeordnente (freiwillige) teacher,
cook, caretaker, one gardener, eight civil service-carrying out, starting from forces and a FOEJ care
for at present the biology center and its over 25.000 guests per year.
The largest concern of the association consists of securing and - if possible -
removing the thin personnel cover.
Cutout out: http://www.gutbustedt.de/